7sDoc Help

7sDoc is a free search engine tool for searching files, located on your computer.

The program is designed for quick search files by content data. 7sDoc scans selected directories with your document files and builds search index on files content for further quick search. 7sDoc perform text search in files such as DOC, XLS, RTF, TXT, HTM.

On search the program finds documents and sorts them in such a way, that the most relevant for your query documents are shown at the top of result list.

Home page:7s.backupforall.com
Support E-mail: svap@mari-el.ru

Contact person: Sergey Apollonov
CopyRight 2010 © SVA-soft

  Search Files

When you enter a search phrase and press Search button, the program shows the list of found files, that matched your query. On search, each file is estimated by several parameters such as frequency of search phrase, search phrase position inside the file, importance of found keywords, file size, file age, etc. This estimation is used to sort the list of found files by relevance to your query.

  Configure search indexing options

  Build Index

This button launches index creation. Note, if you add or update files, located in directories, you have selected for indexing, then the program will not reindex them automatically. To update Search Index you must do this manually. In this case be sure the option Perform Full Index Rebuild on Next Indexing is uchecked to do fast incremental reindexing.